Friday, June 22, 2007

Movement and The Mind

The scientists seem to be getting an idea of something that any sportsman or practitioner of martial arts has always known: that exercise stimulates the brain. In short, exercise makes you smarter, brighter, faster…

Scientists have always had an idea that this is so, but only now are they able to offer some sorts of proof, according to an article in Newsweek. Using the latest brain-scanning tools and the latest research in biochemistry, scientists have found that exercise affects the brain and mental development much more than previously realized.

The latest research shows that muscles, when exercised, release chemicals including a protein called IGF-1 that travels through the bloodstream and into the brain. Once in the brain the protein causes other chemicals to be produced, including brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). This chemical seems to lead to increased mental awareness. In other words, it helps you think better.

Soon we may have proof that all those fitness instructors were right after all… and that getting more exercise, and giving more exercise to our children, has more benefits than just losing weight. (Inspiration Insights)