Gratitude is one of the most simple and effective ways to harness the power of the law of attraction so that you draw more of what you want into your life, and less of what you don’t want.
Because of the law of attraction, the feeling of appreciation attracts into your life more feelings of appreciation, and that vibration of gratitude sets up your point of attraction so that you are manifesting more good things into your life to appreciate!
I am going to tell you how a very old story relates to the law of attraction and gratitude and then give you a simple process to make practicing appreciation quick and easy.
There is a very famous story that I am sure you have heard of called Beauty and the Beast. After studying the law of attraction this became one of my most favorite stories of all time.
Here is why:
A little recap of this beautiful story:
There once was a rude and spoiled, but handsome prince.
One day he was rude to the wrong person and she turned him into an ugly hairy beast.
This person told him the only way that he could turn back into a prince is if he truly loved someone and received their true love in return.
Many years went by and no one fell in love with him and eventually he gave up, for who could ever learn to love a beast.
Then one day, he met and became very fond of a woman named Beauty and unfortunately she thought that he was not only hideous, but he was a bit beastly on the inside as well.
It seemed hopeless, how could this woman fall in love with such an ugly creature?
All seemed lost, when unexpectedly, and for whatever mysterious reason, Beauty began to somehow see past all of the ugliness on the surface and she began to focus on the positive aspects of The Beasts personality.
She began to focus on and appreciate the beauty that was not obvious, the beauty that was hidden, the beauty that was there all along, but she had not been focusing on.
Then things started to change wonderfully, Beauty began focusing on what she liked about the beast, and these beautiful qualities deep inside the beast continued to be part of Beauty’s experience and she was happy.
Beauty even told the beast "I love you". Once she fell in love with the Beast he miraculously changed form, the spell was broken and The Beast turned back into a handsome prince. Only, he learned his lesson and was nice now. :-)
The ugliness melted away once she changed her focus to the appreciation and love.
A better name for this story could be "Beauty IN the Beast" because if Beauty had not focused on the beauty within the beast he would not have turned back into a handsome prince.
When beauty was focusing on the beast’s internal and external ugliness she was only drawing out of him beastly qualities.
Once she shifted how she felt about the situating and saw his inner beauty and began to love him, The Beast and her whole world started to change.
But the journey was all on the inside.
You might be thinking, “Jonathan, what the heck does this have to do with manifesting with the law of attraction?!”
The answer is Everything!
I know this is a fairytale, and you want to learn how to master the law of attraction so you can make more money improve your health, or find that perfect lover.
I also know that some of by readers are insightful enough to see where I am going with this.
You may not realize it yet friends, but I just gave you a big manifestation secret.
Whenever I think about or hear this story, I get chills; I believe that it is a representation of the power that we have to change our life experiences through the law of attraction. The power of love and the power of appreciation have the power to change worlds.
It seems that in our culture today it is popular to be like the spoiled price.
We complain or we see the problems and lack, and what is wrong with our government, our friends and family, our finances, our job etc.
But when we are feeling this lack and resentment toward the things in our life that are not yet perfect we are only focusing negatively, we feel awful, and we are attracting more things to complain about by law of attraction.
You may have circumstances in your life that you may not like, but until you find the "beauty in the beast" you will be basically running law of attraction circles.
You might be visualizing and writing down goals, but you see no profound breakthroughs or manifestations happen in your life.
You will not have access to abundance whenever you are focused on lack.
What I am suggesting is you be like Beauty and find something to appreciate about your situation, without needing your situation to change.
How do you find beauty and things to appreciate in circumstances that we feel are awful situations?
Here is a simple example:
Lets day you find yourself feeling resentment toward the economy.
The moment you begin focusing on the lack of what you want, you will immediately get a message from your emotions, saying "Hey, you are focusing on what you do not want and by doing this you are attracting more things that you do not want!"
Then ask your self is there anything to appreciate about the economy?
You could take a deep breath and say "Well, even though it seems like this economy is bad sometimes, I am glad that there are so many opportunities available to me in this country, it’s nice that we have a system where anyone can be whatever they want, I see examples of people who are thriving all the time, people who seem to have abundance in spite of whatever the economy is doing. I am thankful I have their examples of success to inspire me. I am not flat broke, I have a job, and I have money in the bank, I am so glad I have money. I can remember times where I had less money than this, and I am thankful now that I have more. I appreciate my employer, my customers, and all the money invested in my company that makes me money, whether my own or my employers. It’s nice to know that so much money is working for me."
If you can dwell on feelings like these for as long as you can and you will find your self feeling good and I have found this to far more influential to your point of attraction than visualizing or writing down goals.
If feeling appreciation when you feel negative feels phony, move up the emotional scale, until you get into appreciation. You can read more about moving up the emotional scale in my articles "Does positive thinking make you feel phony?" and "Gas Prices, The White House and The Law of Attraction"
Continue focusing on appreciation for as long as you can until it become second nature and you will notice your world begin to change.
You will smile more, others will smile back at you more, nice people will be drawn to you, and you will start becoming luckier, money and opportunities will have their way of finding you.
And in relatively short time your Beast, whether it be The Government, the economy, your employer, your spouse etc, will transform into your handsome prince or princess i.e. your beautiful manifestation.
"The whole process of mental, spiritual and material riches may be summed up in one word: Gratitude." -Joeseph Murphy Your infinite power to be rich 1996
you wanna do me a favor and take this off your blog please, i do not want to take legal action, but this is obvious copyright infringement -Jonathan Bankert my new blog in,
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